TBJP - love heart


Love heart is our heart and kidney health supplement

It is for anyone, who has cardiovascular health issues, these maybe brought about from obesity, being elderly and less active, or genetic conditions

Why is our supplement different from others on the market?

This part is key, as JP only uses the very best raw materials . Many say this, but the only way to prove it, is using patented raws, like we do, in love heart

What does that mean?

when you look at the panel , you will see our bergamot , is from the pharmacy brand , Bergamonte, they make the best bergamot in the world. So when an ingredient is not from a patented raw, it can potentially be from anywhere, and this does not GUARANTEE its quality. it is like buying generic chinese GH vs buying pharmacy grade. The generic Gh may well still be good, but it is not GUARANTEED , so whenever you see patented raw materials, always pick them.